A Purposeful Home

Friday, December 31, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life and it's been a Wonderful Christmas

Our Christmas week began at Bryan's house with
everyone getting together to watch "White Christmas"

Gorgeous arrangement done by Bryan
inspired by arrangement at Gift House

Ashley's ready

Christmas Eve --our Christmas entertainment and
official Christmas cutie

"Happy Birthday Jesus" cake
brought by Ashley--the reason
for the season.

More Christmas cuties

I'm sure there's a Razorback
story in there somewhere

Let's eat!!!

Christmas morning presents waiting to be
opened after breakfast casserole, & biscuits
and gravy

Dirty Santa gifts supplied by the generosity
and creativity of Ashley

Let's go!!!

The gift that had been driving
Anna crazy for 2 weeks.
It was a basketball

Christmas lunch was delayed while we
waited for these two geniuses
to prove who was top dog--
Bryan finally deferred so the
feast could begin.
Christmas 2010--memorable!!!!

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