A Purposeful Home

Friday, September 23, 2011

And They Lived Happily Ever After...

Once upon a time, a little girl dreamed of marrying a handsome prince,
becoming a mommy, and making a home for her family.

The little girl grew up and one day, at her church, she met her prince.
Not long after, she fell in love with him and the prince in her dreams
now had a face.

In the fall of that year, her prince married her and swept her away
to his kingdom.

The prince and princess were blessed by children and their kingdom
grew and increased and every year found them more and more

All too soon, they realized their children were growing up and
becoming princes and princesses and forming their own kingdoms.

They also realized that even though their children were growing
older they weren't.  They seemed to get younger each year
on their anniversary.

The prince and princess have become a king and a queen and
are surrounded by their loving heirs and hoping for grandchildren
to join their kingdom one day.

The king and his queen have been mightily blessed by their
Lord and King.  And the queen realizes more and more
each day what a blessing her King and her king are to her.

Happy Anniversary, Lynn.  Let's live happily ever after.
I love you.

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